Tip 1. Be flexible and willing to prioritize.

You probably know your spouse as well as anyone. Think about which approach will work in mediation. Does your spouse like to feel in charge? Do they love to win? If so, tell your mediator so you can perhaps find areas where you may have more flexibility and can give. There will also likely be areas that are more important to each of you and your mediator can help prioritize them.


Tip 2. Spite will hurt, not help.

Yes, divorce is painful, but do your best to focus on the big picture. You don’t need to win every battle. What is your top priority? Be mindful of it. If your priority is moving on with your life then crafting a mediated agreement can offer some clarity and closure to a difficult episode in your life. Try to think longer term and what will matter to you in 3, 5 and 10 years from now. Resist the urge to “rub it in” if you get a good result in court or by agreement. That goes back to Tip 1 and work toward success in mediation.


Tip 3. Keep your divorce a priority.

BlissDivorce makes the process clear and empowers our divorcees. And it saves a lot of time and heartbreak. But this is only true if you put in the effort to do your part. Be sure to enter or import all asset and debt information and propose how you would like to divide things. And when it’s time to do your mediation, be sure to show up on time, ready to work things out. Sometimes your mediator will give you tasks to complete between sessions–be sure to get these done, too.

Keep your divorce a priority

Source: shutterstock.com / Photo Contributor: Ground Picture

Tip 4. Get regular “check-ups.”

There are numerous factors to consider during the divorce process. Many will find counseling extremely helpful during this time in your life. Don’t neglect dealing with the emotional side of divorce as you work through the legal process. 


Tip 5. Start to envision your post-divorce life.

Divorce is never easy. Just working through the process often helps us realize things will get better. One exercise that helps many people is envisioning what you want for your new life as opposed to spending time thinking about the past.

*This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal advice. If you require legal advice, please contact a licensed attorney in your local area.