BlissDivorce Resource Center
Topics: Dealing with Divorce | Legal Issues | Divorce Process
The Top 3 Things To Consider in Your Post-Divorce Living Arrangements
After deciding to divorce, the vast majority of people are looking for a change of residence. Here are the three most important factors to consider. The settlement. If your residence is jointly owned, rather than being a rental, you [...]
Cryptocurrency and Divorce in California
The Rise of Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more individuals investing in digital assets. With the rise of cryptocurrency, it is no surprise that the topic has found [...]
Grounds for Divorce
If you are seeking a divorce, the thoughts that loom largest are your reasons for ending your marriage. Depending on what shows you’ve watched, you may be expecting to state and prove each of these reasons. The truth is, however, [...]
Online Divorce and Your Privacy: How to Stay Protected
Going through a divorce process is nerve-wracking, stressful, and overwhelming. Besides the emotional heartache, there are many legal concerns on your shoulders. Even if you and your spouse are going through it in a civil manner, there’s still lots of [...]
Online Divorce & Domestic Violence: How to Protect Your Children
Online divorce can be a good option for couples who are seeking to end their marriage in a quick and cost-effective manner. Online divorce can also be a good option when there is domestic violence involved. It can allow the [...]
Online Divorce for Couples With Special Needs Children
Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce [...]
The Advantages of Mediation
Hashing out your divorce in court or with attorneys can be time-consuming, expensive, and stressful. But is there an alternative? Can two people come together and reach an agreement about how to divide their household, even if they don’t [...]
The Future of Online Divorce: Innovations & Trends to Watch Out For
Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce [...]
Mental Health Illnesses And Divorce In California
The decision to divorce is often complicated and can be even more complex when mental health illnesses are involved. Navigating a divorce in California when mental health illnesses are involved is challenging, but it is possible to reach a successful [...]
Is it possible to have a smooth and healthy divorce?
Divorce is the biggest break up one will experience in their lifetime. According to the Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Scale, divorce is ranked the most stressful event in one’s life, only second to the death of a spouse. It isn’t surprising [...]
The Impact of Online Divorce on Small Law Firms and Solo Practitioners
Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce [...]
Online Divorce & Your Credit Score: How to Protect Your Financial Future
Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce [...]
BlissDivorce Resource Center
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Divorce can be very expensive, time consuming and painful. It doesn’t have to be.
You’ll Be Surprised By California Divorce Law
People are usually surprised by divorce law, especially in California. In this short video family law attorney and BlissDivorce advisor Diana Romanovska explains some of the more surprising laws. Most of them are good reasons to avoid going to court [...]
Everything You Need to Know About Divorce Law
Want to understand all the basics about divorce law in California? Watch this video from family law attorney and BlissDivorce advisor Diana Romanovska.
The Ultimate Guide to Spousal Support in California
How much will our spousal support payment be? For how long will payments be made? Can we change things later? Have questions about spousal support? Watch this informative YouTube video from family law attorney and BlissDivorce advisor Diana Romanovska.
How to Protect Your Online Identity During An Online Divorce Process
A divorce can take a financial and emotional toll. So during a divorce, it’s important to protect yourself. Not only in a physical, financial, and legal manner, but you must also protect your online identity. That’s why this article will [...]
How to Navigate Online Divorce When You Have a Prenuptial Agreement
Divorce is among the most stressful periods in a person's life. You may be dealing with a whirlwind of emotions, from anger and relief to heartbreak, all of which make it challenging to make rational decisions. Add to all this [...]
Online Divorce After Pandemic: Is It the Easier Way Out?
COVID-19 has influenced many aspects of our life aspects. We still feel the consequences of the outbreak. Social distancing has changed how we live, making us do many activities online instead of in person. That’s how getting an online divorce [...]
Online Divorce: Social Media and its Effect on the Process
Social media is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends by sharing photos and life updates. However, people need to be cautious about the use of social media during divorce proceedings. Your spouse can use what [...]
How Online Divorce Can Save You Time and Reduce Stress
There is no doubt that divorce is a stressful experience. The complexities of divorce can drag on for a long period, leaving both parties financially and emotionally drained. After the talk with your spouse about the divorce, your first step [...]
The Laws and Legal Requirements of Online Divorce Proceedings
Online divorce has become popular over the last few years. The reason for this is that the services of divorce attorneys are very expensive. You can save a lot of money by using an online divorce service that takes care [...]
Online Divorce & Domestic Violence: How to Protect Your Children
Online divorce can be a good option for couples who are seeking to end their marriage in a quick and cost-effective manner. Online divorce can also be a good option when there is domestic violence involved. It can allow the [...]
Understanding Uncontested Online Divorce Benefits And Offers
The divorce process can be very challenging, expensive, and time-consuming. Yet, that doesn’t have to be the case. If you and your spouse agree on all matters, you can file for an uncontested divorce online. In this post, you can [...]
Online Divorce: What It Is And How It Works
Divorce has become out of reach for some in recent years due to the rising cost associated with the process. A big part of the problem is that divorce lawyers in California and other states charge high fees that leave [...]