BlissDivorce Resource Center
Topics: Dealing with Divorce | Legal Issues | Divorce Process
Community and Separate Property
Before creating your divorce agreement, you need to know, from a legal standpoint, what belongs to you, what belongs to your spouse, and what belongs to both of you. In states like California, this is where the concept of [...]
What’s Worth Fighting Over (and what’s not)
Divorce is complicated. There are so, so many decisions to make. Every fight you have with your spouse requires an investment of your energy and money. It's essential to pick and choose your battles. Here is an exercise you can [...]
Dividing Tax Liabilities
A tax obligation is a debt you owe to a tax authority, such as a city, state, or the federal government. In California, divorcing couples divide tax obligations just like other property. Separate Tax Obligations Sometimes, the tax is owed [...]
Dividing Debts
There are three parties involved in the division of debts in your divorce agreement: you, your spouse, and your creditor. While your divorce agreement is legally binding for you and your spouse, this isn’t true for your creditor. Here [...]
Lasting Psychological Impact Of Parental Divorce On Children
Arguments can occur in every family, but the escalation of these fights can cause long-lasting trauma to children. On top of that, if the parents cannot resolve their problems, sometimes the marriage can end in divorce. Although this may be [...]
FAQ: Divorce Trial
Q: How much does a trial cost? A: Divorce trials can be costly. For your lawyer to prepare for and conduct a divorce trial seldom costs less than $10,000 to $20,000. Costs can go even higher, even up to $100,000 [...]
Top 5 Questions To Consider When Discussing Visitation and Custody With Your Spouse
Too often, custody and visitation schedules can become a contentious issue between divorcing parents. Any compromise can feel like giving up your children or your role as a parent. Let these five questions be your guide in making a sensible, [...]
What are some great ways to stay positive and reconnect with yourself after a divorce?
Navigating a divorce can be dark, scary, and devastating, but there is light on the other side. Ending a marriage often brings new opportunities to reconnect with a part of yourself that you lost and explore new parts of yourself. [...]
How Much Should I Be Paying For A Divorce Lawyer?
With new, collaborative divorce tools available, you may not need to hire a lawyer or go to court. If your divorce is likely to be contentious, and you anticipate going to court, competent legal counsel is essential. How much should [...]
The Pros and Cons of Online Divorce: Is it Right for You?
Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce [...]
The Cost of Divorce
When you and your spouse decide to divorce, there are many things to consider. Do you need to go to court? Do you need to hire a lawyer? Should you go through a mediator? Can you do it on your [...]
The Financial Impact of Online Divorce: Rebuilding Your Finances After Separation
Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce [...]
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Divorce can be very expensive, time consuming and painful. It doesn’t have to be.
Online Divorce and Your Privacy: How to Stay Protected
Going through a divorce process is nerve-wracking, stressful, and overwhelming. Besides the emotional heartache, there are many legal concerns on your shoulders. Even if you and your spouse are going through it in a civil manner, there’s still lots of [...]
How to Deal With The Stress of Divorce As A Stay-At-Home Mom
Getting a divorce is the last step spouses take if they cannot resolve their issues and they no longer see a better future for their family. Unfortunately, the divorce process can be especially stressful and risky for stay-at-home moms.Keep reading [...]
Lasting Psychological Impact Of Parental Divorce On Children
Arguments can occur in every family, but the escalation of these fights can cause long-lasting trauma to children. On top of that, if the parents cannot resolve their problems, sometimes the marriage can end in divorce. Although this may be [...]
Division Of Assets And Debts: Ensuring A Fair Distribution
When it comes to divorce and dividing marital assets and debts, the whole process can be emotionally draining and complicated. In this article, we will explore the legal procedures involved in ensuring a fair distribution of assets and debts during [...]
How To Do DIY California Divorce Paperwork
Going through a divorce process might be devastating, stressful, and expensive. That’s why many people consider DIY divorce options. However, it can be scary to take on such an important and complicated task. This article will inform you of everything [...]
Top 3 Advantages Of Virtual Divorce Mediation
Going through a divorce can be a nerve-wracking, stressful, and unpleasant experience. Furthermore, the legal process may drag on for months or even years inside the courtroom. This doesn't cost only extra time and energy but money as well. If [...]
Tricky Divorce Tactics In California You Should Know
During a divorce in California, there may still be resentment between the spouses. If that’s the case, even in divorce mediation, things can get nasty. You’d be surprised at what lengths people go to just out of spite. So before [...]
Tips For A Successful Online Mediation
Divorce mediation is becoming an increasingly popular choice for couples looking to end their marriage. It is a more affordable and less stressful option than going through the courts, allowing the parties more control over the outcome. Online divorce mediation [...]
Types of Divorce
Types of Divorce in California: A Legal Guide for Ending a Marriage Divorce or Legal Separation is difficult no matter where or when you go through it. The process will be dictated by the laws and practices of the state [...]
Disputes in California Divorce Mediation: Who Gets the House?
Going through a divorce is a big change. An even bigger change is what the married couple decides to do with their current home. In the state of California, there are set laws to help determine who gets the house [...]
San Francisco Divorce Lawyer
The Divorce Process in San Francisco, California Getting a divorce in San Francisco can be an overwhelming and lengthy process. It generally takes over a year, especially if you’re working with a divorce lawyer. There are several steps you will [...]
Preparing for a High-Asset Divorce: Best Tips and Practices
Divorce isn’t easy, especially if you and your spouse own significant assets. High-asset divorce is considered to be any dissolution of marriage in which the marital assets are worth one million dollars or more. Couples who usually own their home, [...]