BlissDivorce Resource Center
Topics: Dealing with Divorce | Legal Issues | Divorce Process
The Best Way To Help Your Children Through a Divorce
For children, the family structure is their world. Without our guidance and support, a child may feel like that world is coming to an end. Here are some tips for helping your child during this difficult time. Source: / [...]
How Online Divorce Can Help Simplify High-Asset Divorces
Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce [...]
Top 5 Questions To Consider When Discussing Visitation and Custody With Your Spouse
Too often, custody and visitation schedules can become a contentious issue between divorcing parents. Any compromise can feel like giving up your children or your role as a parent. Let these five questions be your guide in making a sensible, [...]
Will Seeking Therapy Hurt My Chances of Keeping My Children?
Divorce is hard, and counseling can be a valuable tool for emotional and psychological wellness throughout the process. However, many parents worry that seeking the help of a counselor or therapist might hurt their chances of gaining custody. The [...]
Dissolution vs Divorce California
If you are seeking ways to end your marriage, terms like dissolution, divorce, and separation may confuse you in terms of which one applies to your case. For example, you may wonder about the differences in dissolution vs divorce California. [...]
When Can I Remarry After Divorce in California?
Considering the divorce process in California can drag out due to different circumstances, it isn't unusual for you to meet someone new during the ongoing process. So, if you are wondering when can I remarry after divorce in California, we’ve [...]
How Online Divorce Can Save You Time and Reduce Stress
There is no doubt that divorce is a stressful experience. The complexities of divorce can drag on for a long period, leaving both parties financially and emotionally drained. After the talk with your spouse about the divorce, your first step [...]
How to Protect Your Online Identity During An Online Divorce Process
A divorce can take a financial and emotional toll. So during a divorce, it’s important to protect yourself. Not only in a physical, financial, and legal manner, but you must also protect your online identity. That’s why this article will [...]
5 Tips to Help You Through Mediation
Tip 1. Be flexible and willing to prioritize. You probably know your spouse as well as anyone. Think about which approach will work in mediation. Does your spouse like to feel in charge? Do they love to win? If so, [...]
The Fate of Fido: Settling the Issue of Who Gets the Family Pet
For many pet owners, their furry companions are family. In many cases, both spouses want to spend time with and care for their family's dog or cat. A court views your pet as property, and they can only make [...]
What Happens to a Living Trust in a Divorce in California?
If you have a living trust and are considering separating from your spouse, you may wonder how is a living trust typically handled in a divorce in California. So, what happens to a living trust in a divorce in California? [...]
How to File Custody Papers Without a Lawyer?
Child custody in California can be an expensive and lengthy process. This is especially true when the parents disagree and involve lawyers, which may further complicate the case. So, how to file custody papers without a lawyer? If you and [...]
BlissDivorce Resource Center
Topics: | BlissDivorce saves you thousands of dollars and months of time. |
Divorce can be very expensive, time consuming and painful. It doesn’t have to be.
The Cost of Divorce
When you and your spouse decide to divorce, there are many things to consider. Do you need to go to court? Do you need to hire a lawyer? Should you go through a mediator? Can you do it on your [...]
What is the difference between contested and uncontested divorce and why would a spouse contest a divorce?
Divorcing is never easy, but disagreements over the division of property, custody arrangements, and spousal abuse may force you into a complicated contested divorce. Want to know more about what that means and why you or your spouse may choose [...]
Handling Personal Injury Claims in California Divorce
Going through a serious personal injury is one of the most traumatic experiences you will face in your life.In addition to the pain and trauma from the accident itself, the legal and insurance claim process usually adds to the pain. [...]
The Best Way to Protect Yourself – DON’T Hire a Lawyer
One of the first things you think about when you realize you’re getting divorced is how to protect yourself — emotionally and financially. Most people think the best way to do this is to hire a divorce attorney. Unfortunately, [...]
Why Intent Matters – the Date of Divorce Intent
Deciding how to divide assets and debts can be one of the touchiest parts of getting divorced. An important factor to consider is what BlissDivorce calls the Date of Divorce Intent. The Date of Divorce Intent is the date [...]
Reaching Agreement With Bliss
Welcome to BlissDivorce! Throughout the various parts of your divorce journey, Bliss will ask you to propose divisions of assets, debts, obligations, and even your taxes. Here’s what to expect, and how to make the most of our modules and [...]
Legal Separation and Divorce
There are many factors to consider when thinking about divorce. If you and your spouse are already thinking about living apart, but are considering legal separation as a next step, this article is for you. Here are some things [...]
Divorce Tax Considerations
In a divorce, everyone walks away with fewer assets and less property than they had beforehand. If you go to court, the process can also be quite costly. You may be wondering if there are any tax breaks that you [...]
Dividing Household Items
Your household items are more than just things. They can represent memories, history, and even the marriage itself. Some people can say, "it's just stuff," and move forward. Others may not want physical reminders of their spouse going forward. However, [...]
Dividing Tax Liabilities
A tax obligation is a debt you owe to a tax authority, such as a city, state, or the federal government. In California, divorcing couples divide tax obligations just like other property. Separate Tax Obligations Sometimes, the tax is owed [...]
Dividing Debts
There are three parties involved in the division of debts in your divorce agreement: you, your spouse, and your creditor. While your divorce agreement is legally binding for you and your spouse, this isn’t true for your creditor. Here [...]
Proposing Divisions Your Spouse Will Accept
Whether you are working with attorneys or a mediator, hashing out a divorce agreement means bringing proposals for dividing your assets, debts, and tax obligations for your spouse to consider. In this process, it’s important to think about what [...]