BlissDivorce Resource Center
Topics: Dealing with Divorce | Legal Issues | Divorce Process
The Best Way to Protect Yourself – DON’T Hire a Lawyer
One of the first things you think about when you realize you’re getting divorced is how to protect yourself — emotionally and financially. Most people think the best way to do this is to hire a divorce attorney. Unfortunately, [...]
Dividing Household Items
Your household items are more than just things. They can represent memories, history, and even the marriage itself. Some people can say, "it's just stuff," and move forward. Others may not want physical reminders of their spouse going forward. However, [...]
What Is the Rule of 65 in California Divorce?
Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce [...]
Dissolution vs Divorce California
If you are seeking ways to end your marriage, terms like dissolution, divorce, and separation may confuse you in terms of which one applies to your case. For example, you may wonder about the differences in dissolution vs divorce California. [...]
Why Are Divorce Lawyers So Expensive?
Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce [...]
The Cost of Divorce
When you and your spouse decide to divorce, there are many things to consider. Do you need to go to court? Do you need to hire a lawyer? Should you go through a mediator? Can you do it on your [...]
How To Make Holiday Traditions Special For Kids During Divorce
Divorce can be a complex and emotional process for everyone involved, especially for kids. The holidays can be particularly tough as parents and families re-orchestrate their lives. The holidays and associated rituals intensify feelings of anxiety, depression, and financial tension [...]
The Fate of Fido: Settling the Issue of Who Gets the Family Pet
For many pet owners, their furry companions are family. In many cases, both spouses want to spend time with and care for their family's dog or cat. A court views your pet as property, and they can only make [...]
The Impact of Online Divorce on Small Law Firms and Solo Practitioners
Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce [...]
AI in Online Divorce: Opportunities & Challenges for Legal Professionals
Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce [...]
What are some great ways to stay positive and reconnect with yourself after a divorce?
Navigating a divorce can be dark, scary, and devastating, but there is light on the other side. Ending a marriage often brings new opportunities to reconnect with a part of yourself that you lost and explore new parts of yourself. [...]
Dividing Debts
There are three parties involved in the division of debts in your divorce agreement: you, your spouse, and your creditor. While your divorce agreement is legally binding for you and your spouse, this isn’t true for your creditor. Here [...]
BlissDivorce Resource Center
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Divorce can be very expensive, time consuming and painful. It doesn’t have to be.
How Will Infidelity Impact Your Divorce Settlement?
Discovering that your spouse has been cheating can be a shocking revelation. If you've been cheated on, you might hope that a judge will set this injustice right. If you've been caught cheating, you may be wondering how it will [...]
Starting a Divorce
Divorce is about division. The spouses are dividing one household into two. They are dividing their assets, time with their children, and their possessions. The first step is to take stock of what there is to divide. In most [...]
Online Divorce: Can It Really Be That Easy?
In a divorce, there are a lot of logistics to work through. Every divorce is unique, and with emotions riding high, working with your spouse to end your marriage equitably can be very difficult. A trial is expensive. The less [...]
5 Tips to Help You Through Mediation
Tip 1. Be flexible and willing to prioritize. You probably know your spouse as well as anyone. Think about which approach will work in mediation. Does your spouse like to feel in charge? Do they love to win? If so, [...]
What’s Worth Fighting Over (and what’s not)
Divorce is complicated. There are so, so many decisions to make. Every fight you have with your spouse requires an investment of your energy and money. It's essential to pick and choose your battles. Here is an exercise you can [...]
Top 5 Questions To Consider When Discussing Visitation and Custody With Your Spouse
Too often, custody and visitation schedules can become a contentious issue between divorcing parents. Any compromise can feel like giving up your children or your role as a parent. Let these five questions be your guide in making a sensible, [...]
The Best Advice For Reaching Agreement on Custody Issues
We all care very deeply for our children, and as such, parenting decisions -- and deciding who has the power to make them -- are some of the most challenging issues to reach agreement on. The best advice is [...]
The Top 3 Things To Consider in Your Post-Divorce Living Arrangements
After deciding to divorce, the vast majority of people are looking for a change of residence. Here are the three most important factors to consider. The settlement. If your residence is jointly owned, rather than being a rental, you [...]
The Best Way To Serve Your Spouse With Divorce Papers
The divorce process starts the moment you begin to contemplate divorce. From that moment until you notify your spouse, there is a lot of guesswork to be done. Can this divorce be done collaboratively? How adversarial will you and your [...]
Quick Tips for Sorting Custody over the Holidays
A painful reality of sharing custody of your children is that you will have to compromise on where they spend the most important days on your calendar. Here are some guidelines for reaching an agreement. Divide the Days. You may [...]
Will Seeking Therapy Hurt My Chances of Keeping My Children?
Divorce is hard, and counseling can be a valuable tool for emotional and psychological wellness throughout the process. However, many parents worry that seeking the help of a counselor or therapist might hurt their chances of gaining custody. The [...]
The Best Divorce Advice: Avoid Trial
The best way to get divorced is as cheaply, painlessly, and as quickly as possible. Most people agree on this point. However, when the spouses seeking a divorce don't see eye-to-eye about what's fair, it can be tempting see trial [...]